Holy Week

  Holy Week  
Christ Lutheran will be holding special worship services and events throughout the week in celebration of the events of Holy Week. We hope you will be able to join us for some or all of these special worship and fellowship opportunities.

Church members!  Click here to download an invitation for our Easter services to send to a friend!

Palm Sunday (3/25, Regular worship schedule - Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am):  The palms on Palm Sunday reminds us that Jesus came to Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday as the Savior whom God promised to deliver his people and bring life and salvation for all.  Sunday School children will be singing at both services.

Maundy Thursday (3/29, 7:00pm): Maundy (from the Latin mandato, "command") Thursday is the celebration of Jesus' two commands to his disciples on the night he was betrayed: 1) "Love one another" and 2) the celebration of the Lord's Supper for the forgiveness of sins. This special service will include the celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Good Friday (3/30, 1:00 pm & 7:00pm - Tenebrae): A quiet and meditative service surrounding the death and burial of Jesus. While at first glance this may be appear to be a sad service, it is truly Good Friday because Jesus' death means our forgiveness and the certainty of heaven. While we are sad how much our sins cost Jesus, we are so very thankful that he did it for us.  Samuel Lutheran School students (K - 8) will be singing at the 1:00pm service. 

Easter Sunday (4/1, 7:00am & 10:00am): A variety of events surround our celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead and the certainty of our new life here and eternal life with him in heaven.  We have a sunrise service at 7:00am with a breakfast served at Samuel Lutheran School immediately after.  A second service will be held at 10:00am.